Wednesday 22 June 2011

Waterfall Ponds

When a waterfall is built outdoors, the best thing to increase its appeal is to have a pond at its base. The pond may be large or small, depending on the space the landscape provides, and may house plants, fish or both. Such waterfalls are ideally built of stone, so that they seem in harmony with the naturalness of the pond. They may have two or three steps in their cascade so that the water bounces repeatedly before finally falling into the pond.
Constructing the pond requires much care. Its size must be taken into consideration. Pond waterfalls are placed away from trees to prevent their leaves from falling into the pond and cluttering it. Also, they are sloped in such a way to prevent rain runoff from emptying into them. Their depth depends on how many fishes and plants are to be housed there.
The pond is dug in a step-like formation. The coastal area is shallower; the middle is deeper. The pond must be lined with a polyvinyl material, or concrete, to prevent the water from seeping into the surrounding soil. This lining must be further camouflaged with a layer of bed soil. Then water is filled into the pond. The pond itself also has a pumping unit to keep the water circulating.

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