Monday 6 June 2011

Fibreglass Ponds

The emergence of fibreglass as one of the most useful and indeed, base commodities used in the modern day world in manufacturing for mouldings should not come as too much of a surprise. The demise of asbestos as a safe material to use resulting in a ban back in 2010 across the EU did much to secure fibreglass as a crucial element in manufacturing.

Safety is a key element along with a strong capacity to wear and tear and grp has for many years, proved its worth in both departments having been adopted as a core product in both the marine and motor industries. There are so many products made using grp moulding technology because of its capacity to be duplicated quickly and efficiently. Coupled with its flexibility during the design stages renders it so very useful for bespoke innovation in high end marine craft for example prove testament to its usefulness.

You don't have to look too far around a home or garden to spot products made using mouldings or fibreglass. Common products making use of its qualities include pre-formed swimming pools and garden ponds. At Fibreglass UK, there is an experienced team of experts with capacity to produce virtually any fibreglass product you can design.

Fibreglass components are gel-coated during their manufacture in their moulds and usually can be supplied in a choice of flat, semi-gloss or high gloss. The finishes and colours that it can be produced in means that painting is not usually required so whether you are a designer or architect looking for that single, one off uniquely designed product to create using a lightweight yet being economical to produce and durable with exceptionally good resistance to corrosion, or literally thousands of a particular item all manufactured uniformly, grp moulding is a manufacturing technique and product well worth considering.

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