Monday 6 June 2011

A Waterfall In Your Garden

There is something magical about a waterfall, they can be either modest or spectacular, but the concept is still the same. Most ponds benefit greatly by the inclusion of moving water and a waterfall, even a modest one, can transform the scene into something quite breathtaking. The informal type of pond, with a rockery background, invites a waterfall. It is in keeping with nature, and beneficial to the pond inhabitants.

Liner - When possible, use a liner in one piece, for both pool and waterfall. Be especially careful if placing rocks or stones on the liner that they do not tear or puncture it. Do not trim the liner until the waterfall has run for seven days to allow for any changes that may be needed after pool has settled. 

Cement - Pack soil firmly where the waterfall will be located. Lay tie rods and wire mesh reinforcement. Cement (using a fibreglass additive to mix) a four-inch thick concave trough into the pool. After the cement has hardened, place rocks and stones into place with additional cement.

Submergible Pumps - To determine which pump would be best suited for your waterfall, determine how high the water must be pumped vertically from the bottom of the pool. Select a pump that will turn over the total gallonage of your pond at least once an hour at this height. This will give a pleasing proportion of water movement in relation to the size of pond.

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